
Oakland, CA
1970 Broadway, Suite 250
Oakland, CA 94612
Referrals: (800) 975-PATH (7284)
Phone: (510) 273-4200
Fax: (510) 273-8340

Union City
33456 Alvarado Niles-Road
Union City, CA 94587
Referrals: (800) 975-PATH (7284)
Phone: (510) 675-0600
Fax: (510) 675-0185

5674 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 205
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Referrals: (800) 975-PATH (7284)
Phone: (925) 520-0066
Fax: (925) 520-0010
**Accepts only Private Insurance & Private Pay – Call directly for appointment and exact days of operation